Receive our signature scarf with the purchase of a Jogger Set Use Code: "BUNDLEDEAL"
(Must Add Both Items To Cart To Redeem)
Greetings, Realtors!
As a seasoned Atlanta realtor/broker and CEO/Creator of The Agent Collection, I still remember how it felt to be a newbie who struggled with branding and knowing how to market myself. Social media wasn’t really a big thing back then, so marketing was a huge undertaking with an often disappointing ROI.
I found myself striking up conversations with strangers all the time to tell them about my profession and tossing out my business cards like candy at a parade. Sometimes I wished I could walk around with a neon sign floating above my head that blinked the words, “I’M A REALTOR!”
Then it hit me ... why not?
Okay, I don’t have a sign floating above my head, but I do often have one floating on my body, with my signature design apparel that proudly advertises, “I SELL HOMES.”
You wouldn’t believe the results! People approach me now and inquire about my services; I no longer have to be the one to break the ice. Wearing your life’s work, whether in the form of a t-shirt, a hoodie, a scarf, a slide, or any part of our full apparel line is like wearing your heart on your sleeve—people know what matters to you.
The Agent Collection has become my greatest passion and mission. Its unique, colorful, attractive designs provide options to suit any realtor’s taste, brand what they do, and turn them into their own walking billboards! I love hearing how The Agent Collection helps my fellow agents grow their business, clientele, and sales. Please share your success stories with me ... and enjoy the journey!